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Investment initiatives to provide energy efficiency of Tomsk region

The Program of energy saving has been in operation in the Tomsk region since 1996 and in 2004 the Law of the Tomsk region adopted the Program of energy efficiency from 2004 to 2008. The consumption of energy resources in the Tomsk region has a downward trend. It is necessary to point out that the reduction of consuming energy resources is taking place against the background of the significantly increasing Gross Regional Product and other macroeconomic indexes.

The Program contains a number of investment projects and provides for financing mechanisms to secure flexible systems of attracting funds from budgets of all levels, off-budget sources as well as from both Russian and foreign banks. The success of implementing the Program is dependent on the package of normative-legal documents and the harmonious management system with involvement of highly skilled scientists, engineers, managers.

Among the most considerable projects is the "People's meter" program that provides for installing heat energy counting devices in all municipal apartment buildings. Another project provides for constructing mini-electric power stations based on natural sources of wind and geothermal energy in the areas of de-centralized electric power supplies, in places of traditional compact residence of small peoples of the North.

Under the Program the technical re-equipping of water intakes is being implemented. It envisions replacement of submersible electric pumps with the more economical and reliable ones. The project of expanding production of energy-consuming light sources is to accomplish the whole complex of social and economic tasks.

It is just impossible to implement the Program without participation of highly skilled experts. For already 5 years The Tomsk Polytechnics University has been turning out specialists in energy saving. The University's skill-raising institute serves as a base for retraining engineering and technical personnel of enterprises' energy services.

The Tomsk scientific research and education complex is capable of providing the skill-raising and significant methodical assistance to other regions as well. The strategy to develop the region is aimed at creating conditions for a stable investment climate, at supporting initiatives in the area of efficient use of energy resources that are being put forward by enterprises, small and medium-size business organizations as well as by specialists and scientists.

Mikhail Yavorsky, Director, Regional Center of Energy-Saving Management Scientific Enterprise

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