Firm Orgres: complex approach to heat supply
Friday, 19 May 2006 |
The principal business of the Firm Orgres is to ensure a reliable and efficient operation of power engineering and electrification facilities. In 70 years of its activity the company participated in constructing and commissioning 90% of all power engineering facilities in the former USSR. Their total capacity exceeded 200 million kW and the length of electric power transmission lines amounted to 500,000 km. Specialists of Orgres worked at over 200 facilities in more than 60 foreign countries. |
New technologies of security
Friday, 19 May 2006 |
The G. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Siberian Branch has developed a microdose radiographic system of inspection and admission control called SibScan. |
Gas analytic instruments: ways to counter terror
Friday, 19 May 2006 |
In the present conditions the problem of protecting human lives is getting especially acute. Since the 1980s the staff members of the Design-and-Technological Institute of Instrument Engtneering for Geophysics and Ecology (DTI IEGE), the Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences have been developing and making highly efficient analytic devices to detect and identify explosive, toxic and narcotic substances (ES, TS, NS). On the basis of high-speed multycapillary columns and remote vortex sampling a new type of portable express gas chromatographs of the ECHO series has been developed. |
Econova: Hi-Tech in analytic instrument-making
Friday, 19 May 2006 |
Institute of Chromatography “EcoNova”, Ltd. was set up in Novosibirsk as an enterprise to do innovation business. |
Priorities of partnership: science-business-authorities
Wednesday, 10 May 2006 |
In recent years the Administration of the Novosibirsk region together with partners in such fields as science, education, manufacturing and business has managed to arrange a system-defined activity of forming a market of intellectual products and creating a favorable environment to promote investments in science, education and hi-tech manufacturing. |