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Moscow Metals Summit

Friday, 03 March 2006


  • The only forum on the territory of the CIS that is organized by Metal Bulletin , the most authoritative magazine on metallurgy (London) Metal Bulletin holds annually about 20 conferences and seminars on metallurgy around the world. In 2002 the magazine's editorial board made a decision for the first time to organize a metals summit on the CIS territory. Following the striking success of the first Moscow summit this event was included in the annual program Metal Bulletin on the permanent basis.
  • A comprehensive coverage of problems and thorough analyses. The attention is paid to practically all aspects of conducting the metallurgical business. Reports made by companies' heads contain the most valuable analytical information on conditions in markets and leaders' strategy. The detailed report on the summit is published in the Metal Bulletin and Metally Evrazii (Eurasian Metals) magazines.
  • A unique opportunity to establish contacts with heads of the world's leading companies. VIPs, presidents and general directors of major companies, can be seen not only at the podium. It is quite possible to rub shoulders with them freely in the lobby over a cup of coffee and at evening receptions. Interpreters help remove the language barrier.
  • A friendly atmosphere and goodwill of the summit's organizers. The Metally Evrazii (Eurasian Metals) magazine that represents Metal Bulletin on the CIS territory is ready to do as much as possible to make Your participation in the summit useful and comfortable. We want to note with satisfaction that our services are in demand not only by Russian companies but also by partners from the CIS member countries. Among them are Zaporozhstal, Azovstal, NKMZ, industrial Union of DonBass, Ispat-Karmet, TNK Kazchrome and others.

Various sponsorship and promotional opportunities are available at this event. For further information please contact:

The coordinating committee

Phones: +7 (495) 241-76-95, +7 (495) 241-14-37; +7 (495) 241-87-45.

Fax: +7 (495) 241-62-77.

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